

The publication object can be useful to obtain high-level metadata about your publication, for example to use on the index page of your blog. To retrieve more granular data for your publication, such as sections or users, please use the respective endpoints.

The Publication Object

Key Description
id Unique identifier for the object.
active Boolean that indicates whether the publication is online.
createdAt ISO date at which the object was created.
description Description of the publication used in meta tags.
language ISO 2-letter language code set as default language of the publication.
name Name of the publication.
updatedAt ISO date at which the object was last modified.

Retrieve a Publication

Retrieves the publication object associated with your public key.


curl -X GET \
     -H "X-API-KEY: pk_febaf9ad8a2dc82a16d1d923" \


  "id": "ZLpxUEupF",
  "active": true,
  "createdAt": "2020-01-31T19:43:47.862Z",
  "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum mattis purus enim, lobortis cursus est bibendum vitae. Aliquam molestie quis diam ac pulvinar. Aliquam congue mattis enim et aliquam.",
  "language": "en",
  "name": "Lorem Ipsum",
  "updatedAt": "2020-03-29T11:42:39.228Z"