

A section object can be attached to articles and makes them filterable by section. As a consequence, you can offer section pages in your blog including metadata returned by the endpoints.

The Section Object

Key Description
id Unique identifier for the object.
articlesCount Count of articles associated with this section.
createdAt ISO date at which the object was created.
description Description of the section used in meta tags.
slug Auto-generated slug based on the title.
title Title of the section.
updatedAt ISO date at which the object was last modified.

List All Sections

Retrieves a list of section objects for your publication. Results are sorted by title.


curl -X GET \
     -H "X-API-KEY: pk_febaf9ad8a2dc82a16d1d923" \


  "hasMore": false
  "sections": [
      "id": "ViupXsm9",
      "articlesCount": 3,
      "createdAt": "2020-02-16T18:56:32.689Z",
      "description": "Vivamus accumsan sapien leo, vel tempus metus iaculis ut. Ut ultricies nulla et magna dignissim, eu lacinia lorem posuere. Ut pellentesque congue lacus, porta gravida neque varius in. Nullam viverra et arcu non pharetra.",
      "slug": "aliquam",
      "title": "Aliquam",
      "updatedAt": "2020-02-17T17:04:42.336Z"
  "sectionsCount": 1,

Retrieve a Single Section

Retrieves a section object by its unique identifier.


curl -X GET \
     -H "X-API-KEY: pk_febaf9ad8a2dc82a16d1d923" \


  "id": "ViupXsm9",
  "articlesCount": 3,
  "createdAt": "2020-02-16T18:56:32.689Z",
  "description": "Vivamus accumsan sapien leo, vel tempus metus iaculis ut. Ut ultricies nulla et magna dignissim, eu lacinia lorem posuere. Ut pellentesque congue lacus, porta gravida neque varius in. Nullam viverra et arcu non pharetra.",
  "slug": "aliquam",
  "title": "Aliquam",
  "updatedAt": "2020-02-17T17:04:42.336Z"